Please join us on September 27, 2022 for our next event. As with the previous events in July and August, this event will be in-person! We anticipate 1.00 General CLE credit in Ohio for this event.
Our presenter will be Jesse Jenike-Godshalk a partner from Thompson Hine LLP. Mr. Jenike-Godshalk will present on Trademark-Based Disputes over Internet Domain Names.
This presentation will give insights and guidance for intellectual property attorneys of all practice areas. Particularly, Mr. Jenike-Godshalk will present a general overview of domain name disputes and the intersection between trademark infringement and the Internet. He will examine how domain name disputes are handled under the UDRP, including the nuts and bolts of filing a complaint and navigating the dispute process. Mr. Jenike-Godshalk will also provide practical tips on policing domain names for trademark infringement and taking action against cyber squatters.
This event will include 60 minutes of presentation, and the event space will be booked for additional time for informal networking. Lunch will be provided.
The event will take place at:
The Backstage Event Center, 625 Walnut St.
Registration is
- $30.00 for CincyIP members,
- free for students and academics, and
- $50.00 for non-members.
Payment may be made by check or cash, with checks being made out to CINCYIP. You can also pay for registration by PayPal through the Registration link below.
About the Speaker:
Jesse Jenike-Godshalk is a partner with Thompson Hine LLP, based in their Cincinnati office. Jesse helps clients with intellectual property disputes involving brands, logos, inventions and other creative works. He has substantial experience advising on IP disputes, sending and responding to demand letters, representing clients in informal dispute resolution processes, such as mediation, and pursuing and defending lawsuits. He works with all types of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.